ALMOST all attention is currently focused on the new JET Progress film, OTOSOTU (pronounced “Oh-Toe-So-Two” for “On The Other Side Of The Universe”) as it moves through post-production on its way to the big screen for its anticipated 2024 release. With editing completed, it’s time for adding the musical score, hopefully by award-winning musician Zachary M. Oliver who scored WINNOWING, our most recent release. OTOSOTU has just appeared on IMDb, and work on a second official poster, trailer and several teasers is underway.

I say almost, but not at all entirely, though. On OUR side of the universe, we’ve already begun preparing for the next JET Progress film, AUDIENCE WITH A VAMPIRE, another outstanding screenplay by the incomparable William Maltese, as well as evaluating several additional screenplays to bring to life in 2024/25. Having already casted the immortal vampire Kendell Valiuse and high-fashion model, broadcaster and companion, Daniella Mongu, the search is out for Christophe Duran, a lesser vamp and broadcast reporter. Everyone is eager to interview Kendell, soon to be exalted to a recently vacated chair on the elusive International Vampire Federation.

In the meantime, Sakura Kai and I have been pursuing some much needed R&R after finishing filming for OTOSOTU, including practicing dancing (our favorite pastime) for a possible cameo appearance in the party scene of KS Media Inc’s nearly completed filming of FINDING KATE (a tribute to multi-award-winning author and friend, A. G. Hayes, whose book of the same name, FINDING KATE, is based) and an anticipated filming of a Hawaiian Waltz to a revisioned “Aloha Oe” by Leon and Malia.

#OTOSOTU #OnTheOtherSideOfTheUniverse #film #movie #JETProgress #ZacharyMOliver #Winnowing #PostProduction #editing #IMDb #poster #trailer #teaser #AudienceWithAVampire #WilliamMaltese #vampire #DanielSJanik #SakuraKai #SetsukoTsuchiya #dance #FindingKate #AGHayes #AlohaOe #LeonAndMalia